Daily Might Menu Days filled with sharing, years filled with caring, there's just no comparing a life filled with love!

Days filled with sharing, years filled with caring, there's just no comparing a life filled with love!

Old age should be the greatest time of life! If you've filled your days with love and lived a good life and accomplished something for the Lord, it's a time that you can see the good fruit of your labours!--And that helps make it the best time of your life!

It's really sad how so many people view the older age as a terrible age, when really things are just getting better the older you get! Old age only becomes a disappointment if we find ourselves to be growing years older without growing years closer to God. That's like walking in a circle; it's motion without progress! But God didn't give us the gift of life intending the first half to be the best! What God begins He completes. (Psa.138:8) God will finish what He has begun! So neither fear old age nor fight it, but take hold of this stage of life and make something beautiful out of it.

"For age is opportunity no less,
Than youth itself, though in another dress.
And as the evening twilight fades away,
The sky is filled with stars, invisible by day!"