Daily Might Menu The best way to find God's Will is to say 'I will' to God!

The best way to find God's Will is to say "I will" to God!

God may give you your choice, but He alone knows what's best, so you'd better ask Him to find out what His best is! How do you find the Will of God? The first requirement is having no will of your own! According to the Scripture, you're to surrender your body, surrender your mind, surrender your will and be not conformed to this World, but as the Bible says, "be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may know what is that good and acceptable Will of God." (Rom.12:1,2) Ask the Lord to lead and guide you and open your heart and mind to His Truth, and ask Him to help you to understand it and follow it in utter abandonment and utter yieldedness to God.--Utter yieldedness of your mind, utter yieldedness of your body, utter yieldedness of your own will! Then you'll know!--And you won't have long to wait!

If you're His child, and you're letting Him do the choosing, what's He going to choose for you? He's going to choose that which is the best for you! "He knows, He loves, He cares, nothing His Truth can dim! He gives the very best to those who leave the choice up to Him!"