Daily Might Menu Love, the Lord and the real values in life--how worthless everything else is!

Love, the Lord and the real values in life--how worthless everything else is!

"You can have your earthly treasure, your silver and your gold. But the Spirit, it's the Spirit, that can never yet be sold!" Only Jesus can really satisfy your heart! He is the Answer! But as long as you're still looking for things in the World to make you happy and satisfied, you won't find the Truth! (See 1John 2:15-17.)

God's Word warns us to "be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches". (1Tim.6:17) Don't be like the rich man in the Bible who wanted to build bigger barns to increase his goods for himself, and not to share with others. (Luke 12:15-21) His own soul became barney and materialistic and he was deluded by "the deceitfulness of riches". (Mat.13:22)--If God blesses you with money, don't trust in money and don't let it fill your head, and become highminded. "But trust in the living God, Who giveth us richly all things to enjoy!" (1Tim.6:17)

May we desire, love and hunger for Thy Spirit, Love and simplicity, Lord--the realities, Lord, not the "deceitfulness of riches", but the realities of Love and the Truth! "For the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal!" (2Cor.4:18)