Daily Might Menu Jesus came for love.

Jesus came for love and lived in love and died for love that we might live and love forever!

"Out of His ivory palaces into this World of woe, only His great eternal Love made my Saviour go!"--Down to the Earth to live here to save us! Jesus not only had to come down amongst us, but He had to temporarily renounce His citizenship in Heaven to become one of us! (Phi.2:6,7)

He came as a meek and quiet, weak and helpless baby, and conformed Himself to our human ways of life. He was human. He got tired, He got hungry, He got weary. He was subject to all these things, even as we are, that He might better reach us with His Love and communicate with us on the lowly level of our own human understanding! (Heb.4:15)

And in the end, He suffered for us at terrific price because of His Love. He was spat upon, cursed and condemned as a criminal, despised in death! But as He hung on the cross in disgrace and shame and agony, dying for the sins of the very ones who were crucifying Him, He was showing love to the whole World! "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (Jn.15:13) Jesus is the Friend Who loved us enough to lay down His life that we might be saved!