Daily Might Menu Man praying desperately.

When do you really pour out your heart to the Lord?

All of our little prayers are well and good, and the Lord hears them and He knows they're sincere and He answers accordingly. But there should also be times when we are not satisfied with the usual run of things, when we really get desperate with the Lord in prayer and seek Him for a needed change, pouring out our whole hearts to the Lord!

Jesus never fails, and He always answers when we stir ourselves to call upon Him with a whole heart. He says, "Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with ALL your heart." (Jer.29:13)--And whole-hearted means getting in the Spirit, praying and crying out to the Lord with strong crying and tears!

Desperate prayer is very good for your own soul, it's good for your spirit. It's good for your spiritual condition to know that you have really poured out your heart to the Lord with a whole soul, with all your heart, with all your might!

When do you really pray? When do you really get in the Spirit? When was the last time you really poured out your heart in prayer with strong crying to the Lord?--You should!