Daily Might Menu Keep the gospel simple!

Keep the Gospel simple!

God's mercy doesn't hang on legalistic theological technicalities.--Who knows how little a small child can really understand, yet Jesus said, "Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven!" (Mat.18:3) You gotta be a baby!--And babies don't waste most of their time arguing over theoretical theological doctrinal shibboleths!

The Bible was intended for the instruction and conversion of the whole World. Why should God cover its true meaning in such mystery and doubt that none but critics and philosophers can discover it? It's the Devil who is the author of confusion! He tries to make Salvation seem so complicated or so difficult that people can't understand it.--1Cor.14.33.

Don't be led away from the simplicity of the Gospel, the Good News of God's Love in Jesus! (See 2Cor.11:3.) Not everyone can understand strong doctrine or complicated theological interpretations, but everyone understands LOVE.--So stay on the main line and stick to the most important essentials, the most important doctrines of all--Jesus and His Love and His Salvation!

Let's not argue over doctrine, let's get souls saved!