Daily Might Menu Crowns of life!

A crown of life is even more than a reward!

The Lord promised, "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a Crown of Life!" (Rev.2:10) He's not talking about your Salvation there! Salvation is a gift of God! (Rom.6:23)--You don't work for it or earn it at all! But your crown is your reward and even more! It's not only a reward, but it symbolises a lot of work and heavy responsibility!

We're saved already, whether we endure to the end or not, but we'll be given special rewards, special crowns, special medals, special honour and a special shining if we manage to be a special blessing while here! (See Dan.12:3; 2Tim.4:7,8; Jam.1:12.)

Of course, you're going to fall down before the Lord and cast your crowns before His throne like the 24 elders in Revelation 4:10! Every time you start praising the Lord you're going to forget all about that crown and it's going to tumble off right at His feet. But He gave it to you, so you'd better pick it up again and wear it, because that's the one He gave you! That's what's going to show what you have done for the Lord. And the Lord wants the World to see it, He wants the people to see it, He wants all Creation to see the badge of your faithfulness, a Crown of Life!