Daily Might Menu Stay close to Jesus!

Stay in God's Will!

The safest place in the World for you is in the center of God's Will. No matter where you are, or how you are, or what you are, or what's against you, the Lord will keep you if you are in the center of His Will! It's a charmed circle where you live a charmed life. "The Name of the Lord is a strong tower: The righteous runneth into it, and is safe." (Pro.18:10)

So don't get disobedient, don't run outside of God's Will and His protection. Walk within the Will of God, or Satan may be allowed to give you problems. You can suffer sometimes for your sins, your carelessness, prayerlessness, haste and disobedience to the Lord. In a sense, He is bound by His Own rules, and His Own laws, and He can't protect you when you violate the rules! When you're out of His Will He may even allow you to fall prey to the snares of the Enemy.

Help us to stay close to You, Jesus, in the center of Thy Will, then we know we're in the center of Thy provision and protection and blessing and usefulness, where we have nothing to worry about. We can trust You utterly by faith because we know we're being obedient and doing Thy Will.