Daily Might Menu God loves man.

God never stops loving you!

What is God like? Some people picture Him as an angry God--an all-seeing eye Who carries a big stick around, ready to clobber them!--Or a cruel tyrant, some kind of a monster, Who is trying to frighten everyone into Hell! But actually, He is love! He's a loving God who is trying to love everyone into Heaven! He's so close, so intimate, so personal, so loving, so kind, so tender, so gentle, so concerned, and He's waiting with open arms. The only reason He follows us around is that He's hoping we'll turn around and meet Him with open arms!

He never stops loving us no matter what we do. He never rejects us or withdraws His Love. He always has hope for us no matter how far we've strayed. So if you feel far from God, maybe it's because you haven't opened your heart to receive His Love and forgiveness! You need not continue to feel condemned for your mistakes and sins, only be sorry, ask for God's forgiveness, and be forgiven! (Isa.1:18; 1Jn.1:9)

If you'll even start God's way, if you'll just turn toward Him and start trying to find your way Home, the Father will come running toward you and receive you with open arms of love! (Lk.15:18-24)