Daily Might Menu Father reading the Bible with his daughter.

Children are a mission field in themselves!

In so many countries of the World today, their greatest problem is their own children. What they fail to realise is that the World of tomorrow is what the adults of today make it, according to what they choose to give or not to give the next generation! Capture the youth and you've conquered the future!

"Train up a child in the way he should go," the Bible says, "and when he is old he will not depart from it." (Pro.22:6) We need to mold their minds and educate them and inspire them and encourage them, and most of all we really need to build their faith in God's Word!

Children are the most sincere people in the World.--And they're at the age of malleability when they can still be bent and molded. It's an age of choice, an age of decision. It takes time and patience and understanding and lots of real love to reach them but that's actually when most people accept the Lord.

"Open the door for the children,
Tenderly gather them in,
In from the highways and hedges,
In from the fields of sin."

--For of such is the Kingdom of God! (Mk.10:14)