Daily Might Menu Faith is based on God's Word.

The Word of God is the foundation of faith!

How do you get faith? It is a gift of God and it's available to you or anyone else who wants it. You just have to want it and ask for it. The problem is, most people don't want it until they need it! And then they suddenly find they don't have the faith they need because they have no background of faith or trusting God's Word, no foundation! After all, how can they have faith in something they know little or nothing about?

Just as no good building is without a good foundation, there is no faith without the Word, because faith in God is built on His Word! So if you feel like you're weak in faith, there's a simple cure: God's Word will increase your faith!

Faith comes, it grows, by hearing the Word of God. (Rom.10:17) As you faithfully read and study the Word, as you meditate on it and even memorise it, every word will inspire, strengthen and increase your faith! Fill your mind and heart with positive, encouraging, strengthening, faith-building thoughts from His Word and you'll soon be amazed at the faith you'll have!--True faith, the kind that can stand any test, the kind that works miracles and the kind that lasts, built on the solid rock foundation of His Truth!