Daily Might Menu Sick man trusting God to heal him.

The One Who made you can certainly fix you!

Who would you rather trust to fix your car?--The man or company who made it, who understands it and knows how to fix it, or some amateur mechanic? Likewise, if you have a physician Who is not merely a student of your body, but actually the Creator, wouldn't you feel safer in His care? Well, if you believe in God, that He made your body, then you should also realise that He knows best how to fix it!

There are some mechanical operations for which doctors and hospitals are necessary, purely mechanical things which they know how to do just like basic car repairs!--Like setting a broken bone or sewing up a cut or helping to deliver a baby. But for most other things, like serious internal maladies, more often than not, they can only experiment around because they don't even know what's wrong with you!--Or if they do, they don't know how to heal it! And often they and their drugs do more damage than good!So why don't you trust the One Who made you?

Nobody knows the product like the Manufacturer! Send yourself back to the Manufacturer and let Him repair you! He's got all the parts and everything you need, and He's the only One Who really understands you and knows how to do it right!