Daily Might Menu Letting God use you for His glory.

God will use everything you've got if you'll let Him.

"The gifts and calling of God are without repentance" (Rom.11:29), meaning God doesn't change His mind when He passes out the talents.--He knows who to give them to. And since God was preparing you for His Service even before you were saved, He's undoubtedly going to use your hidden talents at some time or other, sooner or later, if you'll just be patient and faithful! (Gal.6:9)

The Lord needs you, and would surely like to use you to help other people. There's so much work to be done, and God needs every ounce of talent that you've got! So you would be wise to sit down and say, "Now God, what do You want me to do?"--Stand back and size up the situation: "This is my calling, but not that. These are my talents, but not that. This is what God wants me to do, this, but not that."

Lord, You know what's best. Give each of us the faith and vision we need, to catch a vision for whatever ministry we are best suited, the faith to exercise it and the willingness to take the initiative to do it! In Jesus's name! God's Will be done!--And it will, in spite of any of us; but don't miss the blessing by missing your part! May you invest your talents well and reap great reward! Hallelujah! Use all your talents!