Daily Might Menu Praying for protection.

So much depends on prayer!

Although God can do anything, He has committed Himself to work through you, and your prayers can do mighty things! Jesus said, "If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you can move a whole mountain!" (Mat.17:20) You get what you ask for, and what you have faith for!

It's not how long you pray or how much you pray, it's how much you believe. If you really believe, every prayer is heard and answered. But if you don't pray it is not done! An awful lot depends on you. God said to Israel one time that bad things were happening because "No man stirreth himself to call upon Me!" (Isa.64:7) The Lord really leaves a lot to US and our concern and prayer. If you only cry with half a heart you only get half an answer. But if you cry with your whole heart you get a whole-hearted strong answer. He says, "Ye shall seek Me and find Me when ye shall search for Me with all your heart!" (Jer.29:13)

When you determine you're going to pray more and then desperately cry out to God: Boom, boom, boom!--The Holy Spirit goes to work right away and you'll begin to see some action! He always answers when we stir ourselves to call upon Him with a whole heart. Jesus never fails!--So pray!