Daily Might Menu Lady praying for help.

God waits for us to be humbled and pray for help.

The Holy Spirit gently descends, and can be easily shooed away. It doesn't land where it's not wanted. God goes where there are open and receptive hearts that are hungry for the Truth. He seeks the lowly, the humble and the contrite heart, but resists the proud. He gives grace to the humble!--So as long as you're calling, you can expect God to answer; as long as you're seeking, God will show the way; as long as you're empty, you'll be able to be filled! (1Peter 5:5b; Luke 1:53)

It's just like with Salvation: It is not until you recognise you're a sinner that you're desperate enough to seek Salvation. But when you break down and confess you're a sinner and recognise that you need help, then you cry out to God to save you and He answers and comes into your life.--He says, "Ye shall seek Me and find Me when you shall search for Me with all your heart." (Jer.29:13) When you cry out desperately to Him with a hungry, empty heart, asking Him to fill it, He will!

The Lord does not force Himself on anyone, He doesn't push Himself. He waits lovingly and meekly for you! God puts the responsibility on YOU! So call on Him for help and He will fulfil His promise to "show thee great and mighty things that thou knowest not of!" (Jer.33:3)