Daily Might Menu Father huging the prodical son.

Hasn't everyone been a prodigal son?

You may be a stray sheep or a prodigal son, but God still loves you, and He always has hope for you, no matter how far you've strayed.

God's plan for you is not going to fail! You're His child, and sooner or later you're going to wake up to that, and come running back to the Father's house as fast as you can! Salvation will prove much stronger in its pull than the pull of the mud and the mire of the swine pit on your feet, and you'll run back home.--Back to the fellowship of the family, back to the joy of the Holy Spirit, back to the food and plenty and warmth of the home hearth.

It's never too late! Even if you've lost everything, your birthright and your inheritance, the Father still loves you, and He will receive you with open arms! He'll take you to Himself and to His bosom of love, and give you a new garment of righteousness, a beautiful new golden ring of reward that you don't even deserve, and a feast of thanksgiving and celebration that this His son, though he were dead, yet now he is alive and home again. (See Lk.15:11-32.) Can you hear the Father's voice calling, "Please come Home!"?