Ambassadors of Love

By David Brandt Berg
What everybody needs is love!

Through His children, God is trying to show the world what He is like. Jesus said, "As the Father has sent Me, I also send you" (John 20:21). Jesus came to love the world and He calls us to do likewise in every facet of life, in every way-to give God's love to others. The only way that others will ever find His joy and peace and love and happiness and Heaven is through us. No matter where we are from, if we have Jesus, we are now His ambassadors and represent the King of kings, the One who runs the universe.

What was Jesus' last message to His disciples at the Last Supper, just before He was arrested, taken to jail, beaten, and killed? "By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:35). He talked about love, that love was the most important thing.

Wouldn't it have been enough for His disciples to simply tell others about the love of Jesus? Couldn't the Lord just as well have said, "By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you preach My message"? Evidently not. It's not good enough to just talk about love. Jesus said His disciples had to have love; they had to live love. He knew that there would be no denying that example.

May we always be known by our love!

And those first Christians turned the world upside down with the love of God. The way they lived convinced others that their faith was real. Even their Roman persecutors marveled. "Look at how these Christians love one another!" "Who is this Christ?" they asked. "And how does He make you so happy? Even though you have nothing, you've got everything! How can I find this kind of happiness too?" And within two hundred years, one out of five people in the Western world were professing Christians.

Today, nearly two thousand years later, the heart of man is still the same. So many people are searching for love, but seldom, if ever, finding it. People everywhere are looking around for some little ray of hope, some salvation, some bright spot somewhere, a little love, a little mercy, someplace where they can find some relief. We who have found God and His love have what others have been searching for all their lives and need desperately, and if we can show them that love exists, then they can believe that God exists, because God is love.

Even the little things you do can mean a lot. The light of your smile, the kindness of your face, the influence of your life can shed light on many and have an amazing effect on some of the people you think might be the least likely to be impressed. When they feel your love and you tell them it's God's love, they think, Maybe Somebody up there does love me! It can change their whole outlook on life and give them a new start.

May we always be known by our love!

Copyright © 1998 by The Family