Virginia Brandt Berg's Meditation Moments

Meditation Moments Index

Out Of The Depths

virginia berg Virginia Brandt Berg (1898-1968)

"I'm following Jesus, one step at a time
I live for the moment, in His Love divine.
Why think of tomorrow, just live for today,
The pathway is narrow, but He leads me on.
I walk in His shadow, my fears are all gone,
My spirit grows stronger,
Each moment, each day,
For Jesus is leading each step of the way."

One of the oldest cries in all the World is in Psalms 130, where king David cried: Out of the depths have I cried unto Thee, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice: let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications. I wait for the Lord...and in His Word do I hope." -- Psa.130:1,2,5. Always at some point in its progress, the human race has cried out for help. And it continues to cry aloud, even today amidst all these troubles and heartaches and pressures of today -- people are just at their wits' end corner.

Religion to some has come mostly to mean just creed, and the World distrusts creeds and these moderns, and they dislike emotional upheavals. But they know, beyond all argument, that somehow, somewhere, God is there and can answer prayer, and they're looking for those who can pray for them and someone who can give them help.

People want a great deal more than we realize. People say it's so hard to reach people today. Well, hearts are awfully hungry, and sorrow is very deep. Trouble is rampant today; and incredible as it may seem, the greatest theme and popular discussion is the one theme which will attract men of every station, and that is God. Most people will stop and listen.

There's a spiritual dimension in life today because of the troubles through which this nation and other nations are passing. There're some new spiritual values, and it's going to grow more and more. God's Word says times shall wax worse and worse (2Tim.3:13), and amongst those who are in distress and want to find God, this hunger is going to be increased.

"Out of the depths have I cried unto Thee," David says. And over the smaller sounds of greed, hate, fear, egotism and all the troubles, comes up that same cry, out of the depths. -- Up from the market places, places of business, the parties and banqueting tables of the rich, and amongst the poverty-stricken. Out of the depths they're crying out for God today.

Nothing else in the World is going to meet that need and comfort hearts except for Jesus to walk right into those hearts. More than ever before, this World is at it's wits' end and out of the depths they are crying for help.

People know when you can help them. It's been said that thirsty hearts never come to a dry well. But if you are where you should be with the Lord, and you're really shining for Him, your light will so shine that others will see your good works and know that you're able to help them. They'll know it.

Many have hungry hearts and are seeking God. Do you care? Do you care about others? The larger numbers who are crying out of the depths are the millions who are so fearful because of things that are coming upon the World. Is your faith and trust such that when people are so afraid, you can give them hope? Are you in the place yourself, where you can allay their fears and quote the promises to them that God has put in His precious Word for those who are fearful?

In all the annals of history, men have never been more afraid than they are right now, because of the peril that is recorded upon the Earth at this time, like the greatest famines, pestilences, earthquakes, droughts, hurricanes, disasters, depressions, hatred between nations and the wars that are taking place.

All these things have been before, but never as they are now, they have never approached the dimensions that we've seen in this day. I'm recalling these things to your mind, because these are the things which are causing people to be so fearful, and many are just trembling with fear. Men have departed from the true and living God, and peace of mind has departed from them. That's why their cry is so hard, so strong.

Jesus said in Matthew 24:6-8 that in the Endtime these things would grow in intensity and in frequency, and that time has now come. Every harvest ripens quickly and intensively at the end, and we have now entered the very rapids of the Endtime. Everywhere and in every social strata, thinking men know fear now -- men who have never known fear before. God's Word says of the Endtime that there will be "men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the Earth." -- Lk.21:26.

But people are seeking. Some of them don't know what they're seeking, but they are seeking, and this gives you, as a Christian, such a wonderful opportunity to tell of your Salvation and the change that Jesus can make in their lives, because they haven't got any other answer to the World's needs, nor their own. They're looking for an answer, and you can show them that the Bible contains all their answers and that Christ is the only Answer to their problems, needs and questions.

Some will listen, and there are those who will listen who never would before. In desperation people will seek, they want a way out of these depths. "Out of the depth" they will cry, the Scripture says. In desperation people are seeking a way out, and you've got to know how to show them the way, you must have the Scriptures ready. Have you committed them to memory? We must commit those Scriptures to memory, mark them in our Bibles and be ready to give an answer to these who are so desperate. "Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you." -- 1Pet.3:15.

A well-known commentator told me that on his half-hour program the other night, that he took just 20 seconds out of that half hour to mention something about God. But when his stack of mail came in, there were more comments about that 20 seconds than any other part of the program. He said, "I believe people are hungry, weary and in need of consolation. I believe they are more interested in God and immortality and peace than they are in anything else. I make this statement in defiance of a wide-spread motion to the absolute contrary. I believe that Christ is the Answer, that He sways more hearts, answers more problems, develops more virtues, brings more rest, peace, joy and satisfaction than all other influences, and that His promises never to be dishonored lies our only hope." -- That was a famous commentator who said that!

Men are so desperate today that they're ready to take what you have to say to them. They see no way of escape or human resources, they can't find any way, there's no visible help. But we lift our eyes to Him Who made Heaven and Earth, and He can help us save and share His peace in this time of Earth's present adverse conditions.

This is the opportunity that faces us! What a wonderful place the Christian stands in today! Guarded round about with the armor of God's Love and power, God is going to open a path through the Red Sea! He's our God and He's still on the Throne and prayer will change things!