Virginia Brandt Berg's Meditation Moments

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Power In That Name

virginia berg Virginia Brandt Berg (1898-1968)

Have you ever wondered why we pray in the Name of Jesus? I'd like to talk a little while on Acts 4:12: "Neither in their salvation in any other: for their is none other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." This is Peter speaking here to the people who had just seen the lame man healed at the gate of the temple. (See Acts 3:1-10.)

Here in Chapter 4, the Sanhedrin is commanding the Apostles not to preach in Jesus' name any more, hoping that way they can put down this new movement, this new religion. All through this passage there is continual reference to "this Name" and "His Name" and "that Name."

There is something very significant about using the Name of Jesus and virtually important for us, for by the right use of Jesus' Name there is opened to us doors otherwise closed and possibilities of victory untold! -- Limitless resources!

There's power and authority in this Name! I've spoken along this line a couple of times before, because it's a subject very close to my heart. I believe so definitely that it's the only Name that can give you entrance into the presence of God, to quickly move His hand in your behalf. Never was there such a power vested in any Name, and when you use that Name with authority, things begin to happen!

You may question: "Who has the right to use that Name, that unlocks these doors of Heaven and moves the Will of God? Do I have the authority? -- Am I effectively using the authority?" Sometimes I wonder if the very defeat that we are suffering today and the spiritual weakness and physical sickness we go through is because we don't realize -- or at least rightly use -- the authority we have in Jesus' Name.

You do have authority! You have authority in the Name of Jesus because God has given it so us! To come to the realization of that authority and to use that Name is something that should be pressed down upon every heart, because of what it can do for you, and the change it can bring about in your whole life!

God's Word says, "His Name shall be called 'Jesus'" (Mat.1:21; Lk.1:31), and in none other is there salvation, for "Neither in their salvation in any other: for their is none other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." -- Acts 4:12.

We come to the Father in Jesus' precious Name because that's our only access to the Throne of God! -- Jesus Christ, our Intercessor. We must come in His Name! We have no merit of our own to come to the Father, so we need to come through the price that He paid on Calvary. "Nothing in our hands we bring, only to Thy cross we cling."

I would say that most people who are reading this right now believe what I'm talking about, and believe the Scriptures: "Wherefore God also highly exalted Him, and gave Him a Name which is above every name: that at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in Heaven, and things on Earth, and under the Earth; and that every tongue should confess Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." -- Phil.2:9-11. "God...hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son...being made so much better than the Angels, as He hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent Name than they." -- Heb.1:1,2,4. But have you gone further than that?

-- Have you come into the full realization that you have a great deal of authority and power in the use of this Name? The early disciples realized that. They realized the omnipotence and faith that would do wonderful things as they used the power that was invested in them through the Name of Jesus. And they used it with a dare and a faith that really puts us to shame today. They believed that they had a legal right to the use of that Name, and it wasn't a question of faith for them, but of obedience, in using that authority that God had given them.

"Whatsoever ye shall ask in My Name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." -- Jn.14:13. That's a striking, thrilling, tremendous statement! "Verily, verily I say unto you, if you shall ask anything of the Father in My Name, He will give it you. Ask, and ye shall receive,

that your joy may be full." -- Jn.16:23,24b. Those Words are from the very lips of Jesus Himself, and note that the words "faith" and "believe" don't occur in these scriptures. They simple set forth a fact, that you've got a legal right to the use of that Name and that this authority is given to the individual born-again members of the Body of Christ. -- They now have this power of attorney and use of that Name.

What is the power behind this Name? What's invested in this Name? Well, Jesus said to His disciples, "All power (authority) has been given unto Me in Heaven and in Earth." -- Mat.28:18. When you come to the Father in that Name, that authority comes into your hands.

Jesus became the Master and Ruler of the Universe and He despoiled principalities and powers and made a show of them openly, in triumph over them, so He is undisputed Victor over sin and the Devil. He is the only begotten Son of God. -- God, manifest in the flesh.

All that is invested in that Name belongs to us, and He gives us unqualified use of that Name. He said, "Hitherto have ye asked nothing in My Name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full." -- Jn.16:24. As you come to the Father, if your heart is right with Him, and you're walking in fellowship with Him, use this authority, as you praise and worship Him. Use it for your every need.

That Name has lost none of its power, and you have a legal right to all the grace, might, power, blessing, healing and life wrapped in the Person of Jesus Christ, Who bore that Name. Ask now, in His Name! Ask in Jesus' Name, that your joy may be full! Amen? God bless you, in Jesus' name