Virginia Brandt Berg's Meditation Moments

Meditation Moments Index

The Promises Of God

virginia berg Virginia Brandt Berg (1898-1968)

(Note: Only includes the beginning poem, as rest of this MM was duplication of "Precious Promises" -- Meditation Moments #3.)


He was better to me than all my hopes
He was better than all my fears
He made a bridge of my broken works
And a rainbow of my tears.
The billows that guarded my feverish path
But carried my Lord on their crest
When I dwell on the days of my wilderness march
I've learned on His Love for the rest.
True, He emptied my hands of my treasured store
But His covenant Love revealed
'Til there was not a wound in my aching heart
But the balm of His breathe had healed.
Has He changed from me?
No, He changeth not
He will bring me by some new way
Through fire and flood and crafty foes
As safely as yesterday.
He guided my paths that I could not see
By ways that I have not known
The crooked He made straight and the rough made plain
As I follow the Lord alone.
Oh, there's never a want on the dreariest heart
But some promise of His indeed
And I read from the past, my future shall be
Far better than all my fears.

YOU NOTE THOSE WORDS PARTICULARLY, WHERE IT SAYS HERE THAT SOME TIME ON THAT MARCH IT SHALL BE FAR BETTER THAN ALL MY FEARS. I can truly say that that is true. Now I want to turn, because of this, to a favorite passage of Scripture that some think has become the theme of my life.

YOU KNOW, God's Word makes it plain that the promises are so important, because they make you to become partakers of the Heavenly nature. So it's not merely getting things from God when we put so much emphasis on promises, but it's for a far more important reason, that you might become a partaker of the Heavenly nature.